If your pet has a more complicated condition or illness it is possible, they may need a referral to a specialist.
At Maven Vets we will always discuss with you if this is appropriate for your pet.
Types of Referrals
Internal Referrals
At Maven Vets several of our vets have further qualifications and interests in particular areas of veterinary expertise.
Therefore, it is possible your pet may be internally referred to see another member of our vet team.
In addition, we also have specialists who visit the clinic regularly to assess pets who may need further specialist investigation or treatment.
This means your pet can be seen here at Maven Veterinary Practice which is much more convenient for you.
External Referrals
On occasion we may have to refer your pet to a specialist at a specific veterinary centre.
We will discuss this with you in full if this is required.
We will liaise with the specialist directly and send all clinical information including test results or x-rays relevant for your pet’s condition to them. This will ensure continuity of your pet’s care.
A small referral fee in these cases will apply.
Once your pet has been referred the specialist will communicate directly with us about your pet’s progress and any further treatment requirements.
We will always be happy to discuss any aspect of this with you.