On 1st September 2023 our regulatory body, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) introduced new guidance on prescribing prescription-only medicines. There was a grace period until 1st January 2024 for some classes of medication including parasiticides (flea, tick and worming treatments). The new guidance requires that a clinical assessment, which usually entails a physical examination of your pet, be performed every time antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and parasiticides are prescribed.
The guidance is an important step towards ensuring responsible antimicrobial use and reduces the veterinary impact on the wider issues of global antibiotic resistance and decline in insect populations.
Your pet will need to have seen a Veterinary Surgeon for an in-person consultation to make an appropriate parasiticide treatment plan personalised to their lifestyle and risk. We will aim to do this at regular, routine vaccination and health check appointments to reduce the need for additional appointments. However, a separate ‘parasiticide check up’ consultation may be required.
We will enter a prescription ‘authorisation’ of our recommendations onto your pet’s clinical notes, which can then be used to issue medication for the following 12-months. Once this authorisation is in place you can order parasiticide treatment as you previously have done so.
A ‘parasiticide check up’ consultation is free for members of our Pet Health for Life (PH4L) plan.
For long term prescription medication which is not an antimicrobial/antiparasitic, our usual policy of requiring a regular examination usually every 3-6 months continues to apply. The medication review consultations will be charged at our usual fees.
You can read the full guidance from the RCVS on their website.
Important Notice: Maven Vets refurbishment & service update
We are thrilled to share that Maven Vets will be undergoing a refurbishment, which will commence from Monday 12 August.
We are committed to minimising any inconvenience and ensuring that your pets continue to receive the best possible care.
To help us serve you better, please plan for any appointments, medication collections, or non-urgent consultations during this period.
Our team will be available to assist you with scheduling and address any questions you may have about the refurbishment process on 0208 337 2214.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. We look forward to welcoming you and your pets back into practice soon.
Warm regards,
Maven Vets
Please be aware that due to current demand and staffing levels some of our services may have less availability than you have been used to. Please allow 3 working days for prescription requests. Routine vaccination appointments may not be immediately available, and there may be a wait of up to 2 weeks. Please bear this in mind when making arrangements. We thank you for your kind understanding, and assure you of our commitment to you and your pet. We will, of course, be here under any emergency circumstances.
Client insurance claims may take 4-5 weeks to be processed.
Here at Maven Vets, we are committed to providing the best quality healthcare for your pet.
If you are not registered to our Pet Health for Life preventative healthcare plan, do check our website to find out how you can save money and relax, knowing your pet’s treatments are kept up to date.
Have you tried our online booking service? With no separate app and the choice of clinics to attend, arranging to see us couldn’t be easier!
Simply click on the ‘Book an appointment’ on our website to find out more.
We look forward to seeing you soon. Please contact us for further information.