Reason for Nomination: Dignified Bravery!
Dylan is a beautiful German Shepherd dog who we have been treating for a condition called ‘anal furunculosis’ . When we first saw Dylan he had a wound next to his bottom and was very tender in that area. Initially it looked as if he had an infected, burst anal gland but when this did not heal with simple treatment, biopsies confirmed that he had anal furunculosis. This is a condition most commonly seen in German Shepherds and is due to an alteration in the way the immune system works. Dylan has been treated for a prolonged period with medications to alter his immune response and whilst the road to recovery has been long, he has been making a gradual improvement. 85% of dogs with this problem will go into complete remission with medical management, but sometimes surgery is needed to help to manage it.
Throughout his treatment, Dylan has been an absolute delight to treat. No matter how sore he was feeling, he routinely allowed us to examine his back end without so much as a cross word! We keep our fingers crossed that Dylan stays in remission, and that his sore bottom becomes a dim and distant memory!