Pet Cat with blanket

June 2018: Sooty

Reason for Nomination: Being Amazingly Courageous Sooty came in to see us in March because he had been having loose…

Pet Dog

May 2018: Micky McDougall

Reason for Nomination: Being brave despite his skin falling off! Micky was first seen in December last year with slightly…

Pet Dog

March 2018: Beau Grant

Reason for Nomination: Overcoming severe HGE This handsome little man was brought in by his worried parents when he started…

Pet Dog

February 2018: Milly Bates

Reason for Nomination: Defying the Odds Milly is a 10 year old Golden Retriever who first came in to us…

Pet Dog

January 2018: Kye Monks

Reason for Nomination: A lucky discovery on a pre-operation blood sample Kye is a 13-year-old Staffordshire Terrier who has recently…

Pet Rabbit in plant pot

December 2017: Kate Thomas

Reason for Nomination: Beating the dangers of Gut Stasis Kate was presented to us because she was not eating for…

cat with bad leg

November 2017: Buster Zwarts

Reason for Nomination: Beating the odds to overcome a mystery illness At the beginning of 2017 he settled in very…

Pet Dog

October 2017: Candie Brundle

  Reason for Nomination: Her bright happy nature Candie was a beautiful girl who enjoyed the finer things in life,…

Pet Rabbit

September 2017: Luna Corrie

Reason for Nomination: Sweetness! Luna is a two-year-old bunny who has been to see us more times than he can…